Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Applications: Part 2

TA training starts on the 27th. Ugh, I'd love to ramble on chit that's been going down around here with the nasties, but grad tips must go on!

  1. Deadlines. Don't get behind! Like I mentioned earlier, have everything prepared--recommendation letters need to be the first.
  2. Teaching assistantships--find out if the program has any offered and apply for them even if you don't feel like you want to teach. The stipends can be up to $16,000 per school year. My stipend is covering everything except some of tuition. 
  1. Relax. Celebrate with wine, movies, and friends to get your mind off of the apps!
Applying for grad school can be a cake walk--especially compared to applying for med school! If you're qualified with a good GPA, average or SPECTACULAR GRE scores, killer letters of recommendation,fantastic and compelling writing samples and personal statement, you'll do fine.

Thanks for reading!

Current love affairs: NYC, France, molecules, ukuleles, Sia, skiing in Sweden, the periodic table of elements, swimming, Shameless, wine, cadavers, John Hopkins, and swell memories.

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