Wednesday, October 9, 2013


It's starting again... Although I finally feel 100% more comfortable around the naive and close-minded individuals who almost always seem to be in front of me everywhere I turn in Stevens Point, I still make the time to get the hell outta dodge and travel. Already, I've visited Chicago with a good friend and have a plane ticket for NYC over Christmas. I may end up in Chicago once or twice more throughout the semester "just because." Within the next few months, I will be purchasing a plane ticket to Amsterdam for spring break. I haven't decided where else to go during that trip. Spain, perhaps? It's my passion, it's my life. Traveling, that is.

Currently, I'm waiting in the airport for a Frontier plane to whisk be away to Denver. Several of my close friends moved to Denver within the past couple years and I must go visit! Another big part of the trip will involve touring a PhD program at Colorado State University. I'm nervous because I'm interested in pursuing teaching, not research... I'm not sure what they will push. Research or teaching.

Regardless, I will have a blast in Denver! Literally. It's going to be epic. One of my graduate school friends decided to join me! She will be flying in tomorrow morning. It's her birthday on Sunday. Perfect timing, Amanda. Kudos.