Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oh, the places you'll work!

Many times over conversations with people, I'll start a story with something like, "I used to work at this_____." Usually within a month and half a dozen similar situations, they say, "Jeeze, you've worked everywhere!" It's been a while since I sat down and attempted to compile list of places I've worked at since the ripe age of 11. This may scream child labor. Some I'll give descriptions. Let's begin.

1. Furniture Grunt Farmer--3 houses down from our house. I was 11 tears old, visiting the neighbors and their upholstery shop when the wife asked my sister and I to stay for an hour or two to assist with removing fabric from a couch. She offered money. We both looked at each other and said, "Sure!" We apparently had nothing better to do. No schoolwork, no chores, no babysitting, nothing. Apparently. So began my first real job--taking apart furniture, harvesting and grading eggs, stamping egg cartons, and babysitting the neighbor boy on an average of 25-30 hours per week ALL while trying to keep up with school, church chit, (some) sports, home chores, home projects, babysitting siblings, and participating in daily hour-long (sometimes more) home Bible studies. Some positives about these experiences: every time I look at furniture I immediately formulate a plan and connive the best way to take it apart. This went on until job # 2. Finally, a little more freedom.

2. Greasy Cashier--My older sister paved the way for this fast-food failure once she left for college. I started working after I got my license until shortly before I graduated HS. This job was my first real exposure to the secular world. God, was I a naive, happy-go-lucky little Christain boy hoping to change one per day life for Christ. I didn't make many deep friendships here. I was too innocent and preachy in the "nice" way. I always nicely asked people to stop swearing around me and encouraged people to stop smoking because it could lead to sin. God, why!?!? I was so oblivious to being real with people. Never did I hang out outside of work with anyone there. My regret. Truly.

3. Real-Estate Gopher/House-Sitter--This job was supposed to be inside working on website design, answering phones, and filing papers. But it turned out to be the assistant to the owner's wife. She had me do EVERYTHING--file papers, upload website real estate pictures, vacuum offices, wash windows, mow the company's massive lawn, haul trash, distribute brochures, run grocery, bank, and gas errands, babysit her twin boys, clean her house, housesit, and feed the dogs. Again, I was so naive but this time to the opportunity I had in front of me. I hated most of what the job but I do believe it instilled a busy and strong work ethic. Same with the chicken chit furniture job. Work ethic. Can't buy it. I learned how to work hard at a young age. However, I really did miss out on some key education in HS and friendships. I was pressured to make money--everything that my friends did, I couldn't do unless the funding came out of my pocket. This typically starts late in HS, but for me, it started when I was 11 years old.

4. In-Between Jobs--My mom always recruited work for her kids--home chores/projects (renovating the basement with dad, building the garage, getting firewood, painting, etc...) or paying jobs. We usually did both to survive--home chores/projects because we had to earn our keep and paying jobs to get away from home to be with people other than family. It sucks that I had to pay to hang out with friends. The in-between jobs I had were raking, mowing lawns, baling hay, dog-sitting, babysitting, and many more countless wrecks. One time I volunteered at Habitat for Humanity--but not building houses. No, I made pointless phone calls to pissed-off church pastors creating awareness for the Habitat organization. I hated making those calls--I believe that has instilled a fear of phone sales in me.

5. Golf Course Clerk (summer position)

Post-HS/Undergraduate years:
6. College Work Study (2 school years)
7. Math/Writing Tutor (2 school years)

Mackinac Island Summer Gigs:
8. Carriage Tour Driver (2009)
9. Moonlight Hotel Pianist (2009-10)
10. Bike Shop Renter (2009-10)
11. Fudge Shop Cashier (2009-10)
12. Sailboat Deckhand (2010)

Grand Rapids:
13. Macy's Associate (2 months)
14. Family Video Associate (4 months)
15. Bridal Show Sales Position (terrible 1 month... it was really a scam for future couples :[ )
16. Dog Daycare Handler (3 months until they randomly stopped scheduling their workers)
17. Server/Bartender/Assistant Bouncer (7 months)
18. Bridal Boutique Intern (3 months)

19. Unofficial Merchandise Mart Intern for Ebel Inc. (6 months)
20. Model (one-time gig)
21. Showroom Assistant/Visual Merchandiser--India Handicrafts Inc. (seasonal in Chicago and NYC)

22. Substitute Teacher (8 months)
23. Institutional Advancement Intern (9 months)

I'm sure this list will continue to grow. I constantly yearn for growth. Hopefully the teaching assistantship will be a grand experience.

Thanks for reading!

Current love affairs: NYC, France, dusting, Oberhofer, neurology, cells, twitter, instagram, photography, Harbor Springs, cheese, The London Candy Company, and memories.