Monday, August 19, 2013

Today is Alive

*Feel free to comment with your grammar corrections... ;)

Scotland. William Wallace. A sense of pride throughout the city. J.K. Rowling. Adventure. Although I only have two days to wander, play, and gawk in Edinburgh, I know that I will enjoy every minute of it. I already am enjoying it! So far, my favorite thing about Edinburgh are the buildings. To me, it seems like each one has a personality backed by a story. If walls could talk, I would be interviewing every old shop, castle, church, and pub in this city.

Here is what I have planned today:

-The Elephant House for breakfast (this is where J.K. Rowling sat as she wrote some of Harry Potter)
-Edinburgh Castle (finally, a real castle!)
-Grab some lunch materials
-Hike up Arthur's Seat (an inactive volcano pretty much in Edinburgh)
-Take a thousand-word picture
-Bum around the city and shop

Pictures later today. Cheers, and thanks for reading this blog, even though it can be a bit everywhere.

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