I must brag a bit about my new apartment... The lease starts on July 15th. I'm moving in officially on the 25th of August--2 days before TA training and a day after the NYC trip--a perfect amount of time to get settled! Prior to NYC, I'm moving my boxes/bed...
I've already started to collect various pieces of great furniture for the space such as a tall, skinny bench that I'm painting a charcoal gray and an old Carnegie library bookshelf I'm painting the same color. I'm putting the bench along the exposed brick for guests (and myself) to put coats on, take boots off, etc... I'd like to use the mini bar area as my desk/bill pay area. So excited!
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Granite? |
This place will be the anchor of grad school--a haven to come back to without dealing with roommates, their better halves, and all of the added friends. Did that, 'twas fun for a while, learned a lot, I highly recommend it during undergrad, but for grad school, get a place you feel
very comfortable at. I opted for a 1-bedroom close to campus. For this apartment (located within a mile from campus, a block from downtown, and close to the library), I decided to increase my housing budget to have it ($650/month + around $70 in utilities/month). I haven't decided on whether I should get cable/dish. I never had "TV" (except VHS/DVD movies) growing up unless it was at grandma's or relative's/friend's. I guess the need to have "my show!" never struck me. Hold on. There is one show I'm in love with.
Shameless on Showtime. It's a knockoff of the UK version... I think it's JUST as good, if not, better. Emmy Rossum, William H. Macy, and Joan Cusack are in it among many other talented individuals. Look it up. It's a ballin' show. That's the only thing I'll watch next to the Discovery channel,
Spongebob, and the news. Is cable worth it for $90/month (including internet)? I can afford it, but that money could be put towards other needs...? We'll see.
Thanks for reading :-] The next post will entail grad school applications.
Current love affairs: NYC, France (Je t'amie!), Neurology, Oliver Sacks, David S. Goodsell, coffee, weddings (I've played piano for 2 this week!), Grand Rapids...?, EMT training, and memories.